• 游客
  • 本套小学生英语语法书是由权威出版社OXFORD(牛津)出版.内容非常全面,共分为6个级别,每级包括学生用书和教师书,是提升考试成绩的最佳选择.
    A six-level grammar practice series for primary pupils aged 6 to 12,now with three new levels.
    Key features
    Clear step-by-step grammar presentations and carefully graded practice.
    Contexts and situations that are familiar to pupils in their

    everyday lives.
    Practice that can be used alongside any primary course.
    Regular revision units for extra confidence.
    An interactive CD-ROM at each level with extra exercises and tests.
    Teachers Books with teaching notes, answer keys, and tests.
    Also suitable for pupils preparing for the ESOL Young Learners
    exams: Starters (Books 1 and 2); Movers (Books 3 and 4); Flyers (Books 5 and 6).
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